The health benefits of pulses

The health benefits of pulses
“The nutritional profile of pulses is exceptional. They are not only rich in protein, they are also rich in complex carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index, source of fibre, rich in vitamins (B9), minerals and antioxidants, and low in fat, simple carbohydrates and sodium. Pulses proteins are a nutritionist’s best friend. The two proteins are digested slowly meaning you feel full for longer, don’t feel hungry and are less likely to snack.
Not all protein-rich plant-based flours are created equal. The nutritional qualities of flours are impacted by the way the product is grown and produced. There is no point in choosing an ultra-processed GMO legume flour produced on the other side of the world with no regard for quality standards!
To truly enjoy all the natural benefits of pulses, you must choose products that are produced without using any chemicals, toxic substances or solvents, that are grown in healthy soil, here in France, according to certified methods.”
Juliette Bentz, Dietician and Nutritionist
Intact plant‑based proteins
Developed using an innovative process, our ingredients are derived from peas and field beans. They have a protein content of more than 55%.
Our ingredients may be used, in particular, as an alternative to soya proteins or other traditional flours. They may also replace eggs in plant-based products.
They contain no allergens or GMOs, and are low in sugar, salt and saturated fats. Rich in protein and a source of dietary fibre and nutrients, they can help improve the nutritional profiles of certain recipes.
Intact plant‑based proteins

The nutritional
benefits of our
plant-based proteins
“Intact® plant-based proteins are healthy, as they have a high protein and dietary fibre content. They are also an excellent source of iron, vitamins and antioxidants. Moreover, they are low in sugar, and very low in fat.”
Juliette Bentz, Dietician and Nutritionist
Numerous potential applications
Our ingredients have a good emulsification capacity and a high potential for water or oil retention.
They offer viscosity.
Our proteins are suitable for a wide variety of applications: plant-based products, snacks, cereals, biscuits, gluten-free baked goods, soups and more.
Numerous potential applications

Low‑carbon fermentation

Low‑carbon fermentation
A unique technology protected by a pending patent
Fermentation is used to produce numerous products. Intact technology ushers in a new era for fermentation products, with unrivalled sustainability.